List of Commands |
To download the list in .pdf format (38 k), click here.
gensym | Set global variable symbol for polynomial matrices. | |
gprop | Set/modify global polynomial properties. | |
pformat | Set output format. | |
pinit | Initialize the Polynomial Toolbox. | |
checkpb | Check conflicts of Polynomial toolbox variables. | |
pver | Polynomial Toolbox version information. | |
pversion | Polynomial Toolbox version number. | |
tolerance | Set global relative tolerance. | |
userdata | Set or return user data of polynomial object. | |
verbose | Set global verbose level | |
deg | Extract various degrees matrices. | |
lcoef | Extract various leading coefficient matrices. | |
lop | Create a polynomial matrix object. | |
pol | Create a polynomial matrix object. | |
pprop | Set/modify properties of polynomial matrix. | |
symbol | Set or return variable symbol of polynomial matrix. | |
bhf | Converts realization (A,B,C) into upper Hessenberg form. | |
bhf2rmf | Converts realization into a right coprime MFD. | |
dsp2pol | Conversion from DSP format to Polynomial Toolbox format. | |
dss2lmf | Descriptor state space to left mfd. | |
dss2rmf | Descriptor state space to right mfd. | |
dss2ss | Descriptor system to Stace Space system. | |
dssreg | Regularization of a standard descriptor plant. | |
lmf2dss | Left mfd to descriptor state space. | |
lmf2rat | Left mfd to polynomial numerator and denominator matrices. | |
lmf2rmf | Left-to-Right conversion of mfd. | |
lmf2ss | LMF to Observer-form realization (A,B,C,D). | |
lmf2tf | LMF to Control System Toolbox transfer function. | |
lmf2zpk | LMF to Control System Toolbox zero-pole-gain. | |
lti2lmf | LTI object to Left Polynomial Matrix Fraction. | |
lti2rmf | LTI object to Right Polynomial Matrix Fraction. | |
mat2pol | Conversion from Matlab format to Polynomial Toolbox format. | |
new2old | Conversion to old polynomial matrix format. | |
old2new | Conversion from old polynomial format to new. | |
pol2dsp | Conversion from Polynomial Toolbox format to DSP format. | |
pol2mat | Conversion from Polynomial Toolbox format to Matlab format. | |
pol2root | Extract zeros and gains of polynomial matrix. | |
pol2tex NEW | Formats a polynomial matrix for use in a LaTeX document | |
rat2lmf | Polynomial numerator and denominator matrices to left mfd. | |
rat2rmf | Polynomial numerator and denominator matrices to right mfd. | |
reverse | Reverse the variable of PMF. | |
rmf2dss | Right mfd to descriptor state space. | |
rmf2lmf | Right-to-Left conversion of mfd. | |
rmf2rat | Right mfd to polynomial numerator and denominator matrices. | |
rmf2ss | RMF to Controller-form realization (A,B,C,D). | |
rmf2tf | RMF to Control System Toolbox transfer function. | |
rmf2zpk | RMF to Control System Toolbox zero-pole-gain. | |
root2pol | Construct polynomial matrix from its zeros and gains. | |
ss | LMF or RMF to LTI object in state space form. | |
ss2dss | State space to Descriptor State Space. | |
ss2lmf | State space to left matrix fraction conversion. | |
ss2rmf | State space to right matrix fraction conversion. | |
sym | Conversion from polynomial matrix to symbolic format. | |
tf | LMF or RMF to LTI object in transfer function form. | |
tf2lmf | Control System Toolbox Transfer Function to LMF. | |
tf2rmf | Control System Toolbox Transfer Function to RMF. | |
zpk | LMF or RMF to LTI object in zero-pole-gain-form. | |
zpk2lmf | Zero-pole-gain to left matrix fraction. | |
zpk2rmf | Zero-pole-gain to right matrix fraction. | |
char | Convert a polynomial object to cell array of strings. | |
ctranspose (') | Conjugate transposition. | |
display | Command window display of polynomial matrix. | |
eq | Equality test for polynomial matrices. | |
fliplr | Flip a polynomial matrix in left/right direction. | |
flipud | Flip a polynomial matrix in up/down direction. | |
horzcat ([,]) | Horizontal concatenation of polynomial matrices. | |
kron | Kronecker tensor product of polynomial matrices. | |
ldivide (.\) | Left polynomial array divide. | |
minus (-) | Binary subtraction of polynomial matrices. | |
mldivide (\) | Backslash or left polynomial matrix divide. | |
mpower (^) | Matrix power for polynomial matrix. | |
mrdivide (/) | Slash or right polynomial matrix divide. | |
mtimes (*) | Matrix multiplication of polynomial matrices. | |
ne | Inequality test for polynomial matrices. | |
plus (+) | Binary addition of polynomial matrices. | |
power (.^) | Element-wise power for polynomial matrix. | |
rdivide (./) | Right array divide. | |
subsasgn | Subscripted assignment for polynomial matrix. | |
subsref | Subscripted reference for polynomial matrix. | |
times (.*) | Element-wise multiplication. | |
transpose (.') | Matrix transposition. | |
uminus | Unary minus of polynomial matrix. | |
uplus | Unary plus of polynomial matrix. | |
vertcat ([;]) | Vertical concatenation of polynomial matrices. | |
compan | Block companion matrix. | |
conj | Polynomial matrix complex conjugate. | |
det | Compute determinant of square polynomial matrix. | |
det2d | Determinant of 2-D polynomial matrix. | |
diag | Extract diagonals and create diagonal matrices. | |
imag | Imaginary part of polynomial matrix. | |
inv | Inverse of a polynomial matrix. | |
isempty | True for empty polynomial matrix. | |
isfinite | True for finite elements in polynomial matrix. | |
isinf | True for infinite elements in polynomial matrix. | |
isnan | True for Not-a-Number in polynomial matrix. | |
isprime | True for left or right prime polynomial matrix. | |
isreal | True for real polynomial matrix. | |
length | Length of vector. | |
lu | LU factorization for polynomial matrices. | |
norm | Polynomial matrix norms. | |
null | Null space of a polynomial matrix. | |
pinv | Pseudoinverse of polynomial matrix. | |
polyval | Evaluate a polynomial matrix. | |
prod | Product of elements of polynomial matrix. | |
rank | Polynomial matrix rank. | |
real | Real part of polynomial matrix. | |
roots | Find polynomial matrix roots. | |
rot90 | Rotate polynomial matrix 90 degrees. | |
shift | Shift polynomial matrix. | |
size | Polynomial matrix dimensions. | |
sum | Sum of elements of polynomial matrix. | |
sylv | Create Sylvester matrix of a polynomial matrix. | |
trace | Sum of diagonal elements of a polynomial matrix. | |
tril | Extract lower triangular part of polynomial matrix. | |
triu | Extract upper triangular part of polynomial matrix. | |
BASIC FUNCTIONS (other than overloaded) |
adj | Adjoint of square polynomial matrix. | |
charact | Characteristic vectors of a polynomial matrix. | |
evenpart | Return the even part of a polynomial object. | |
hurwitz | Create Hurwitz matrix of polynomial objects. | |
inertia | Inertia of a polynomial matrix. | |
isfullrank | True if polynomial matrix has full rank. | |
isproper | True if polynomial matrix fraction is proper. | |
issingular | True if polynomial matrix is singular. | |
isstable | True if polynomial matrix is stable. | |
isunimod | True if polynomial matrix is unimodular. | |
kharit | Create Kharitonov polynomials. | |
gram | Gramian of polynomial matrix fraction. | |
h2norm | H2 norm of a polynomial matrix fraction. | |
hinfnorm | H-infinity norm of a polynomial matrix fraction. | |
linvt | Linear transform of variable. | |
longldiv | Long left polynomial matrix division. | |
longrdiv | Long right polynomial matrix division. | |
oddpart | Return the odd part of a polynomial object. | |
polfit | Fit polynomial matrix element-by-element to data. | |
polpart | Polynomial matrix symmetric part extraction. | |
polyder | Derivative of a polynomial matrix. | |
prand | Generates polynomial matrix with random coefficients. | |
ptopex | Extreme polynomials for a polytope of polynomials. | |
pzer | Perform zeroing on a polynomial matrix. | |
scale | Scale a polynomial matrix. | |
complete NEW | Complete a non-square polynomial matrix to a square unimodular matrix | |
gld | Greatest left divisor of polynomial matrices. | |
grd | Greatest right divisor of polynomial matrices. | |
ldiv | Left polynomial matrix division. | |
llm | Least left multiple of polynomial matrices. | |
lrm | Least right multiple of polynomial matrices. | |
minbasis | Minimal polynomial basis. | |
rdiv | Right polynomial matrix division. | |
stabint | Stability interval of uncertain polynomial matrices. | |
d,p,q,s,v,z,zi | Create simple basic monomials. | |
mono | Create monomial matrix(vector) of current global variable. | |
clements | Conversion to Clements standard form. | |
pencan | Conversion to real Kronecker canonical form. | |
plyap | Solution of the pencil equation A*X+Y*B=C. | |
cgivens1 | Calculates Givens rotation. | |
gare NEW | Solution of the generalized algebraic Riccati equation | |
qzord | Ordered qz transformation. | |
schurst | Ordered complex Schur decomposition of a matrix. | |
colred | Column reduced form of a polynomial matrix. | |
diagred | Diagonal reduced form of a polynomial matrix. | |
echelon | Echelon form of a polynomial matrix. | |
hermite | Hermite form of a polynomial matrix. | |
pdg | Diagonalization of a polynomial matrix. | |
rowred | Row reduced form of a polynomial matrix. | |
smith | Smith form of a polynomial object. | |
tri | Triangular or staircase form of a polynomial matrix. | |
debe | Deadbeat controllers of discrete-time linear systems. | |
dssh2 NEW | Descriptor solution of the standard H-2 optimization problem | |
dsshinf | H-inf suboptimal compensator for descriptor systems. | |
dssmin | Minimize dimension of pseudo state descriptor system. | |
dssrch | Search Optimal Solution descriptor H-inf problem. | |
h2 NEW | Polynomial solution of the standard H-2 optimization problem | |
mixeds | Solution SISO mixed sensitivity problem. | |
plqg | Polynomial solution of a MIMO LQG problem. | |
psseig NEW | Polynomial approach to eigenstructure assignment for state-space system | |
psslqr NEW | Polynomial approach to linear-quadratic regulator design for state-space system | |
pplace | Polynomial pole placement. | |
splqg | Polynomial solution of a SISO LQG problem. | |
stab | Stabilizing controllers of linear systems. | |
tsyp NEW | Use the Tsypkin-Polyak function to determine the robustness margin for a continuous interval polynomial | |
axb | Solution of AX = B. | |
axbc | Solution of AXB = C. | |
axbyc | Solution of AX + BY = C. | |
axxab | Solution of A'X + X'A = B. | |
axyab | Solution of A'X + Y'A = B. | |
axybc | Solution of AX + YB = C. | |
xaaxb | Solution of XA' + AX' = B. | |
xab | Solution of XA = B. | |
xaybc | Solution of XA + YB = C. | |
fact | Polynomial matrix factor extraction. | |
spcof | Polynomial J-spectral co-factorization. | |
spf | Polynomial spectral factorization. | |
polblock |
Simulink mdl-file. | |
sim2lmf NEW | Simulink-to-LMF description of a dynamic system | |
sim2rmf NEW | Simulink-to-RMF description of a dynamic system | |
khplot | Plot of Kharitonov rectangles for interval polynomials. | |
pplot | 2-D plot of polynomial matrix. | |
pplot3 | 3-D plot of polynomial matrix. | |
ptopplot | Plots polygonal values set for polytope of polynomials. | |
sarea, sareaplot NEW | Robust stability area for polynomials with parametric uncertainties | |
spherplot NEW | Plot the value set ellipses for a spherical polynomial family | |
vset,vsetplot NEW | Value set of parametric polynomial. A tool for robust stability testing via Zero Exclusion Condition | |
zpplot | Plot of zero-pole map. | |
pme |
Polynomial Matrix Editor. | |
covf | Covariance function of an ARMA process. | |
demoB | Script file for the demo "Control of a batch process". | |
demoM | Script file for the demo "Polynomial solution of the SISO mixed sensitivity H-infinity problem". | |
minsens | Minimum peak sensitivity. | |
poldemo NEW | This demo reviews several of the functions and operations defined in the Polynomial Toolbox for polynomials and polynomial matrices | |
poldemodebe NEW | Design of a dead-beat compensator | |
poldemodet NEW | Comparison between numerical and symbolic computation of determi-nant of a polynomial matrix. This demo requires the Symbolic Toolbox to be installed | |
poldesk | Comprehensive hypertext documentation. | |
polrobustshow NEW | Overview of parametric robust control tools | |
poltutorshow NEW | Introduction into the basic operations with polynomials and polynomial matrices. This is a graphical version of the text based demo poldemo |
NEW Macros newly included in Version 2.5
Copyright (c) 2001 by Polyx, Ltd.