Student Version of the Polynomial Toolbox 

If you are a student using the software in conjunction with courses at a degree-granting institution, proceed reading this page.

If you are using the software at a company or government lab, as an instructor at a university, for research, or for commercial or industrial purposes, you can purchase standard license as a commercial or educational customer.

The Student Version is a complete Polynomial Toolbox to be used on a single PC under Windows platform. It runs under any version of Matlab 5 or 6. Student Version provides students with a cost-effective version of professional Polynomial Toolbox to run on their own personal computers.

Polynomial Toolbox Student Version includes a complete Polynomial Toolbox software and electronic version of complete documentation.

The Student Version complements educational installations of the professional version of the Polynomial Toolbox, which can be found in many campus computer labs. Student licenses are restricted for use by students enrolled in a course offered by a degree granting institution or in a continuing education course. They are not for personal, professional, or commercial use.

This Student License is offered as a special service to the student community and we ask for your help in seeing that its terms are not abused.

 Restrictions for Student use of PolyX Software

Excerpt from PolyX, Ltd, Software License Agreement: 
Student License (Student versions of the Programs or any Programs licensed at a Student discount). Student Licenses are restricted to use on a student's own computer. Student Licenses are further restricted to use in connection with courses offered at degree-granting institutions, either by students working towards a degree, or by continuing education students. The right to use the Programs for any other purposes, including commercial purposes, is expressly prohibited. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, Student licenses are nontransferable. Maintenance and Support are not provided with the Student License.

 Polynomial Toolbox - Student Version Prices

  Polynomial Toolbox 2.5

EUR 109

Prices are in EURO. They include no subscription and no future upgrades.
Students from European Union please add EUR
23.00 for VAT (21%).

Student version of the Polynomial Toolbox includes a complete Polynomial Toolbox software and all documentation in electronic form. The software is delivered by e-mail and the electronic documentation may be downloaded. There is neither shipping nor handling fee.

How to Order Student Version of PolyX Software

To order Student Version of the Polynomial Toolbox proceed as follows:

Within 1-3 business days, you will receive a zipped file with the Polynomial Toolbox via e-mail along with instructions how to download the electronic documentation. Alternatively, you will receive an email that provides you your personal license number along with and address where you can download the software from.